


Final Assignment-dissertation代写

微信: essayok
Assessment Details

  N.B. Please note word counts should include quotes and tables but not appendices.

  Assessment Details

  N.B. Please note word counts should include quotes and tables but not appendices.

  Part 1 of the Final Assignment - dissertation

  Dissertation – 8-10,000 words (80% of total mark)

  The dissertation should be 1.5 spaced, Font 12, Arial, with a ‘normal’ margin.

  The work should be uploaded onto moodle into the drop box on MMB021 by Friday 30th August 2pm.

  Part One Details:

  The following provides a view of the sort of evidence we are looking for within the dissertation element.

  Format of the dissertation.

  The dissertation is a very specific type of document. Its purpose is to be examined by at least two academics that will, based on the quality of the work, decide if it merits being passed at Masters level. The guidelines followed by the examiners are relatively simple. They look for the following:

  1) How well the research problem has been formulated, hypothesis generated or objectives set.

  2) Familiarity with relevant literature, critical evaluation of the contribution of the literature to the study, and the use of it to support the objectives of the study.

  3) How a methodology has been developed and used. This includes an understanding of theory generation, selection of data collection and analytical techniques, how the study has been managed, and limitations of the method.

  4) Within the findings the examiners are looking for clarity in interpretation of the basic findings, and a wider discussion of the meaning of those findings in relation to the issues identified from the literature and the original parameters imposed at the outset of the study.

  5) Whether the dissertation has conclusions that relate to the objectives of the study, the literature and the primary data.

  6) How well the dissertation is written up, quality of presentation, the use of English, the ease of reading etc.

  7) Finally, you have demonstrated maturity by being able to identify the weaknesses or limitations in your study.

  From an examiner’s perspective, most of the above points are considered at two levels. The first is whether they exist and how well they have been dealt with. Second, how they combine to make up the dissertation. It is one thing to be able to name all the different elements of a dissertation, but another to understand how they combine to create a quality end product. This means that you have a role to play in assessing the quality of your own work.

  Some of the criteria that the examiners will be looking for in your dissertation


Indicative Weight




Abstract / Introduction








Problem definition and objectives, questions, or hypothesis




What is the project about?

What was its aim(s)

What methodologies were used?

What were the key findings?

What were the key conclusions?

Background to the research problem.



Clarity and definition of the problem and objectives, questions, or hypothesis

How focused is the problem/ comprehensiveness of the research objectives, questions or hypothesis and their appropriateness.


Literature review













Methodology – research design, justification of methods sampling etc.


















Ability demonstrated in selectivity of material reviewed.

Evidence of breadth and depth of the material reviewed.

Critical review/analysis as opposed to paraphrasing

Professionalism shown in quoting, and using other people’s work.

Demonstration of a logical conceptual development.

Logical nature of presentation of the primary and / or secondary data.

Ability shown in organising the primary and / or secondary findings under logical, thematic headings.






Secondary research methodology:

Statement of the information sought and the breadth and depth of sources identified.

Assessment of availability, adequacy, accuracy and recency of secondary data.

An indication as to how the secondary data has been used within the study.

Primary research methodology:

Identification of information needs from primary sources.

Specification, choice criteria, justification for research philosophy, approach and strategy.

Sampling design (sample size and sampling method)

Data collection instrument (e.g. questionnaire, interview guide etc), design and pre testing

Field work

Statement of the analytical considerations




Primary and / or secondary research

Analysis, synthesis and development of primary and secondary data









Conclusions and recommendations



Methods used in presenting the primary and / or secondary findings. A variety of methods preferred.

Ability to use both secondary and primary data findings in conjunction in the analysis.

Being able to reason the similarities and differences between secondary and primary data.

Skills demonstrated in interpreting the results.

Being able to relate the analysis to the research aim and objectives.

Depth and synthesis of the results as opposed to mere reporting.

Clarity in terms of stating the conclusions/recommendations. Discussion on each. Justification of each. With management implications.



Being able to critically reason the conclusions and recommendations in relation to the research aim and objectives.

Extent to which the recommendations are realistic in the organisational context.

  Part Two Details :

  Poster Presentation Presentation

  Part 2 of the Final Assignment – Poster Presentation

  Poster Presentation with narrative lasting no more than 10 minutes (20% of total mark)

  The date for these presentations is in the module summary.

  The poster should be A3 size. Content should reflect the following four areas:

  1. Explan paticuarly significant piece or pieces of work undertaken during the research process

  2. Indentify personal skills and evidence how those skills were used in relation to the dissertation

  3. Identify area of personal development still required

  4. Critically consider and demonstrate an understanding of reflective practice in self-development.

  Appropriate academic reference should be used through this poster presentation. The poster itself can be as creative as you wish to make it.

  Dissertation Presentation Details for the MBA and MA Students

  Poster Presentations – 20th September.

  This is an opportunity for the MBA and MA Students to reflect upon the process of doing an independent piece of research. The mark is 20% of your final dissertation mark.

  The posters to be uploaded onto moodle for the externals to view.

  The presentations, lasting 10 minutes each will be held on the 20th September in the afternoon.

  The presentations will be held as global cafes and will follow this format. The timings are approximate


From 1pm


From 2.15pm


From 1pm





From 1pm


From 2.15pm

Joshua Adedamola

Temidayo Akinsete

Jain Mu

Worapn Panabuddhraksa

Shylaja Sathasivam

Muhammad Hafiz

Xuejiao Dong

Xiaowei Pu

Yiming Ma

Paul Oso

Jun Wang

Bairu Zhang

Georgina Cutts

Nan Qin

Sanjana Kapoor

Jianzhe Zhang

Liang Shi

Xiadan Jiang

Xinyu Jiang

Jinyuan Mo

Joanna Outram

Tareg Gader

Wen Xie

Lingyu Zang

Lingyu Li

Valeriya Molodkova

Zhujun Wang

Myo Thiha

Jia Lu

Di Wang

Shiyuan Li

Michael Nwaobi

Xiaojie Xu

Mengsu Xu

Yotsapon Chatharatsang

Thi Vu

Watcharin Sereesathiensup


Peerachai Asadachatreekul


Haibo Wang











Narrow Fail  40-49



Class of Masters Award





Non-Serious Attempt

Knowledge and understanding



Command of the topic illustrated by coherent application of theory,  unusual creativity, perception and insight, all suggesting that work should be published in an academic forum

Demonstrates command of the topic through accurate application of theory, creativity, perception and insight.

Demonstrates a well informed understanding of the topic by showing creativity and insight – a contribution to the academic debate

Understanding of contemporary academic debate applied to practical skills, with some creative input and insight

Descriptive while demonstrating reasonable understanding

Limited/poor understanding demonstrated

Any creative input is some what off the point

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient

Content and Exploration of theories and ideas


Outstanding selection that makes a substantial contribution to academic debate within the field of applied skills


Outstanding selection from a wide relevant and innovative range of perspectives and sources, drawing on leading edge debates.

Selection from a wide and relevant range of perspectives and sources that draws upon contemporary academic debate

Relevant selection from a good and relevant range of perspectives and sources

Sources mostly well-integrated into the overall argument

Relevant but not wide selection from a reasonable range of sources

Some/minimal relevant sources and limited topic coverage

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient

Analysis and





Outstanding use of source material

Excellent use of reflective insight that is of the highest academic quality

Sources very well integrated into the overall skills analysis.

Clear, well structured reflection that is well crafted and cogent

Sources integrated into the overall skills analysis

Clear, cogent and well-structured reflection

Mostly clear, cogent and well-structured reflection.

Sources sometimes properly integrated into reflective practice

Some tendencies towards a clear and cogent analysis

Sources only occasionally/not at all integrated into the reflection

Some/minimal structure and analysis present

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient

Critical engagement and analysis




Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the skills observed, to a high degree of excellence

Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the skills observed

Critical distance and sound analysis of the skills observed.

Demonstrates criticality and generally good analysis

Some successful analysis with a tendency to accept the source material at face value

Limited/poor analysis and criticality with reliance on limited sources

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient


Technical skills and referencing



Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions

No errors in grammar or spelling

Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions

Virtually no errors in grammar or spelling

Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions

Near perfect

Grammar and spelling, with only a few errors

Referencing clear and mostly accurate using appropriate conventions

Good grammar and spelling with some errors

References adequate but clearer and/or more references needed.

Reasonable grammar and spelling but with several notable errors

References limited/inappropriate

Many errors in grammar and spelling, making it difficult or impossible to read

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient




Final Assignment-dissertation代写

微信: essayok
Assessment Details

  N.B. Please note word counts should include quotes and tables but not appendices.

  Assessment Details

  N.B. Please note word counts should include quotes and tables but not appendices.

  Part 1 of the Final Assignment - dissertation

  Dissertation – 8-10,000 words (80% of total mark)

  The dissertation should be 1.5 spaced, Font 12, Arial, with a ‘normal’ margin.

  The work should be uploaded onto moodle into the drop box on MMB021 by Friday 30th August 2pm.

  Part One Details:

  The following provides a view of the sort of evidence we are looking for within the dissertation element.

  Format of the dissertation.

  The dissertation is a very specific type of document. Its purpose is to be examined by at least two academics that will, based on the quality of the work, decide if it merits being passed at Masters level. The guidelines followed by the examiners are relatively simple. They look for the following:

  1) How well the research problem has been formulated, hypothesis generated or objectives set.

  2) Familiarity with relevant literature, critical evaluation of the contribution of the literature to the study, and the use of it to support the objectives of the study.

  3) How a methodology has been developed and used. This includes an understanding of theory generation, selection of data collection and analytical techniques, how the study has been managed, and limitations of the method.

  4) Within the findings the examiners are looking for clarity in interpretation of the basic findings, and a wider discussion of the meaning of those findings in relation to the issues identified from the literature and the original parameters imposed at the outset of the study.

  5) Whether the dissertation has conclusions that relate to the objectives of the study, the literature and the primary data.

  6) How well the dissertation is written up, quality of presentation, the use of English, the ease of reading etc.

  7) Finally, you have demonstrated maturity by being able to identify the weaknesses or limitations in your study.

  From an examiner’s perspective, most of the above points are considered at two levels. The first is whether they exist and how well they have been dealt with. Second, how they combine to make up the dissertation. It is one thing to be able to name all the different elements of a dissertation, but another to understand how they combine to create a quality end product. This means that you have a role to play in assessing the quality of your own work.

  Some of the criteria that the examiners will be looking for in your dissertation


Indicative Weight




Abstract / Introduction








Problem definition and objectives, questions, or hypothesis




What is the project about?

What was its aim(s)

What methodologies were used?

What were the key findings?

What were the key conclusions?

Background to the research problem.



Clarity and definition of the problem and objectives, questions, or hypothesis

How focused is the problem/ comprehensiveness of the research objectives, questions or hypothesis and their appropriateness.


Literature review













Methodology – research design, justification of methods sampling etc.


















Ability demonstrated in selectivity of material reviewed.

Evidence of breadth and depth of the material reviewed.

Critical review/analysis as opposed to paraphrasing

Professionalism shown in quoting, and using other people’s work.

Demonstration of a logical conceptual development.

Logical nature of presentation of the primary and / or secondary data.

Ability shown in organising the primary and / or secondary findings under logical, thematic headings.






Secondary research methodology:

Statement of the information sought and the breadth and depth of sources identified.

Assessment of availability, adequacy, accuracy and recency of secondary data.

An indication as to how the secondary data has been used within the study.

Primary research methodology:

Identification of information needs from primary sources.

Specification, choice criteria, justification for research philosophy, approach and strategy.

Sampling design (sample size and sampling method)

Data collection instrument (e.g. questionnaire, interview guide etc), design and pre testing

Field work

Statement of the analytical considerations




Primary and / or secondary research

Analysis, synthesis and development of primary and secondary data









Conclusions and recommendations



Methods used in presenting the primary and / or secondary findings. A variety of methods preferred.

Ability to use both secondary and primary data findings in conjunction in the analysis.

Being able to reason the similarities and differences between secondary and primary data.

Skills demonstrated in interpreting the results.

Being able to relate the analysis to the research aim and objectives.

Depth and synthesis of the results as opposed to mere reporting.

Clarity in terms of stating the conclusions/recommendations. Discussion on each. Justification of each. With management implications.



Being able to critically reason the conclusions and recommendations in relation to the research aim and objectives.

Extent to which the recommendations are realistic in the organisational context.

  Part Two Details :

  Poster Presentation Presentation

  Part 2 of the Final Assignment – Poster Presentation

  Poster Presentation with narrative lasting no more than 10 minutes (20% of total mark)

  The date for these presentations is in the module summary.

  The poster should be A3 size. Content should reflect the following four areas:

  1. Explan paticuarly significant piece or pieces of work undertaken during the research process

  2. Indentify personal skills and evidence how those skills were used in relation to the dissertation

  3. Identify area of personal development still required

  4. Critically consider and demonstrate an understanding of reflective practice in self-development.

  Appropriate academic reference should be used through this poster presentation. The poster itself can be as creative as you wish to make it.

  Dissertation Presentation Details for the MBA and MA Students

  Poster Presentations – 20th September.

  This is an opportunity for the MBA and MA Students to reflect upon the process of doing an independent piece of research. The mark is 20% of your final dissertation mark.

  The posters to be uploaded onto moodle for the externals to view.

  The presentations, lasting 10 minutes each will be held on the 20th September in the afternoon.

  The presentations will be held as global cafes and will follow this format. The timings are approximate


From 1pm


From 2.15pm


From 1pm





From 1pm


From 2.15pm

Joshua Adedamola

Temidayo Akinsete

Jain Mu

Worapn Panabuddhraksa

Shylaja Sathasivam

Muhammad Hafiz

Xuejiao Dong

Xiaowei Pu

Yiming Ma

Paul Oso

Jun Wang

Bairu Zhang

Georgina Cutts

Nan Qin

Sanjana Kapoor

Jianzhe Zhang

Liang Shi

Xiadan Jiang

Xinyu Jiang

Jinyuan Mo

Joanna Outram

Tareg Gader

Wen Xie

Lingyu Zang

Lingyu Li

Valeriya Molodkova

Zhujun Wang

Myo Thiha

Jia Lu

Di Wang

Shiyuan Li

Michael Nwaobi

Xiaojie Xu

Mengsu Xu

Yotsapon Chatharatsang

Thi Vu

Watcharin Sereesathiensup


Peerachai Asadachatreekul


Haibo Wang











Narrow Fail  40-49



Class of Masters Award





Non-Serious Attempt

Knowledge and understanding



Command of the topic illustrated by coherent application of theory,  unusual creativity, perception and insight, all suggesting that work should be published in an academic forum

Demonstrates command of the topic through accurate application of theory, creativity, perception and insight.

Demonstrates a well informed understanding of the topic by showing creativity and insight – a contribution to the academic debate

Understanding of contemporary academic debate applied to practical skills, with some creative input and insight

Descriptive while demonstrating reasonable understanding

Limited/poor understanding demonstrated

Any creative input is some what off the point

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient

Content and Exploration of theories and ideas


Outstanding selection that makes a substantial contribution to academic debate within the field of applied skills


Outstanding selection from a wide relevant and innovative range of perspectives and sources, drawing on leading edge debates.

Selection from a wide and relevant range of perspectives and sources that draws upon contemporary academic debate

Relevant selection from a good and relevant range of perspectives and sources

Sources mostly well-integrated into the overall argument

Relevant but not wide selection from a reasonable range of sources

Some/minimal relevant sources and limited topic coverage

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient

Analysis and





Outstanding use of source material

Excellent use of reflective insight that is of the highest academic quality

Sources very well integrated into the overall skills analysis.

Clear, well structured reflection that is well crafted and cogent

Sources integrated into the overall skills analysis

Clear, cogent and well-structured reflection

Mostly clear, cogent and well-structured reflection.

Sources sometimes properly integrated into reflective practice

Some tendencies towards a clear and cogent analysis

Sources only occasionally/not at all integrated into the reflection

Some/minimal structure and analysis present

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient

Critical engagement and analysis




Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the skills observed, to a high degree of excellence

Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the skills observed

Critical distance and sound analysis of the skills observed.

Demonstrates criticality and generally good analysis

Some successful analysis with a tendency to accept the source material at face value

Limited/poor analysis and criticality with reliance on limited sources

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient


Technical skills and referencing



Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions

No errors in grammar or spelling

Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions

Virtually no errors in grammar or spelling

Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions

Near perfect

Grammar and spelling, with only a few errors

Referencing clear and mostly accurate using appropriate conventions

Good grammar and spelling with some errors

References adequate but clearer and/or more references needed.

Reasonable grammar and spelling but with several notable errors

References limited/inappropriate

Many errors in grammar and spelling, making it difficult or impossible to read

Non submission (0)


Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient

